Paragraphs one and two are 68 words apeice. Paragraphs three and four are 32 words apeice. Paragraph five is 98 (68+32) words.
The best thing about being an author is when others’ read your work. When others understand your work and read into your little world, all the tiny behind-the-scenes details are validated. Maybe the reader even falls in love with the characters. This is the moment of moments. The best times are when those critiquers add depth by asking questions, catch a mistake, or offer positive advice.
The worst thing about being an author is when others’ read your work. When others belittle your work and minimize your efforts, the storyline seems wasted. Was it read out of obligation? Why does the reader even bother? To go forward is impossible, even though eight years have been invested. When others don’t share your vision, the tone of voice in their comments is a snarl.
When I critique others’ work, I try to give as much positive feedback as I can. I know how fragile authors can be, I’ve been hurt deeply by people close to me.

When I receive others’ critiques, I try to remember the source. Is this person’s comments always sour? Is it grammar issue or something else? I must take feedback from this individual carefully.
Ultimately, if I’m truly writing my book for the Lord, I must be unswayed by the disapproval of readers or other authors.

I must work diligently to improve my story where it needs it. I must also accept the fact that not every person will care for it, and not every person will seek out miniscule errors. On the whole, people love my story. I love my story and feel energized when I realize new events, good and bad, for future volumes. It’s okay to fail according to some. That doesn’t mean that I’ve failed in God’s eyes.