My headline tonight is about a $1.50 to $3 chain that suspends commercial lighting fixtures by Cooper Lighting. The "S" on either end of the chain can straighten, allowing the fixture to fall.
Yes, Chicken Little, the sky really is falling.
Nike has a chin strap that's been recalled, as of November, 2007. The chin strap breaks on contact, exposing the player to further injury.
I'd like to say something funny here, but nothing is coming to me. I'll let you come up with the punchline for that one.
If you bought a swimsuit for your baby from the Gap between February and April this year, take a second look. If it has a noose-like strap, like the one depicted here, it's been recalled. I suppose the fuller the diaper, the more the danger!
That really does seem like a ridiculous design for a baby swimsuit. I know they say that beauty and pain are related, but that seems a bit odd.