We all have different backgrounds. Some of us grew up in church. Perhaps we went through the motions or were burned by something someone said or a life experience. For some, this pain reaches so deeply, they question God.
As parents, we have to set all this aside. We need to look at our children and understand what sort of legacy we leave them. We may be able to shelter them from hurt in church situations by avoidance, but we can’t shelter them from hurt in the rest of the world. Between school, work, playmates and even our own homes, they will encounter hurts and either learn to grow through them or stagnate and fester.
We want to do everything for our kids. We want them to live in a happy home with the best education and good friends. These desires are universal for good-willed people.
But in the world the way it is, we can’t lay aside enough money, property, security or prosperity for them. Ultimately, all these things prove themselves empty. It’s not bad to earn good money and support your family, but if you look to your bank account for the satisfaction and rest your heart needs, you’ll find it wanting every time. Your kids will experience this too, unless we show them a better way.
Kids need a filter to look at their lives and deaths through. Jesus is that filter that will give persepctive. For those of you who think it a fairy tale, sorry. Better be sure for your kids’ sake. Even with eternal life aside, Christianity and church is the best place to give them the love and support for life. Heartbreaks will come.
And for those of you who had difficulties with the institution of church, you’re grown up now. You have no excuse. Get in there, roll up your sleeves and make things right in the church. When there’s a problem in the family with someone who is dysfunctional, healthy families and healthy family members get to work instead of running away. Trust me on that one.
The best churches today have dynamic youth programs with fun activities and contemporary music. The leadership varies from young to old. Try a few out and keep an open mind, but quit looking for excuses because your kids need more.
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