Does anyone else remember the Organic Garden show on PBS? This show was about growing a garden and growing it well, if I remember it correctly.
The term 'organic' has come to mean something it hadn't before. It means without pesticides, without all that artificial stuff. When I think of 'organic', I think of natural, alive, something grown from a garden.
So if only organic vegetables and fruits are all-natural, then does that mean that everything else isn't? "Oh no, keep those organic bananas far from me. I don't like the idea of anything that comes from dirt. Leave me the manufactured bananas."
While at Wal-mart tonight, my friend asked me why, if there's less pesticides and additives, why do organic fruits and vegetables cost more?
The answer is supply and demand. Since more people want the "natural" fruit than can get it, growers can charge more for it.
In the news tonight, an $18-million lawsuit has been awarded to a grown sex-abuse victim against the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The man said if he could help just one child, it was worth it. So who pays for the $18 million? Lawsuit insurance? If so, it looks like insurance rates will go up for the BSA members. Dues are already so high that many of these boys resort to scholarships to join. And not all leaders are abusers, most are just normal parents--like me! I was a den leader for three years before moving up to the troop level, where I was committee chair for one year.
But, I must say, abuse is sad stuff for everyone involved. The victim, the boys, the other leaders and now the whole organization must pay the price.
It's been almost two weeks since we had Sophia put down. We're doing okay. Dempsey, our other cat, seems to be acting more like a pet these days. Weird stuff, animal psychology.
On a funny note, a friend of ours who helped put her down brought us a roast last week. I asked him, what's this? A mutual friend was standing right there and said, "Cat."
I looked at him for a part of minute. I couldn't believe he said it. "Dude," I said. "Really?" He didn't answer me, so I continued. "It's not even been a full week.
"What?" he asked.
Someone in the large group we were a part of explained that we had our cat put down.
Instant embarrassment. Poor guy. He was so sorry.
*************************************This blog is here and there and everywhere, when it comes to blog entries. I am thinking about steering it a bit toward recalls. A friend of mine learned that many companies like to sweep recalls under the carpet and keep them quiet. When it's not an emergency, they don't have to inform the world. I guess there's no government mandate about it. (Not that there should be.)
I'll look into it, but if you hear of something, let me know!
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