Friday, April 16, 2010

The wrong focus?

Obama has extended family visiting rights at hospitals accepting medicaid and medicare to married homosexual couples. We keep reacting to homosexual issues without looking at the issues that affect everyone.

As a Christian, I believe that homosexuality is wrong and that it hurts people, including those who practice it. But that opinion doesn't help anyone on either side of the arguement.

If homosexual couples are given marriage rights, it doesn't make the act right, yet many seem offended when states or the law extend those rights. Why? Does it change God's law? The civil law is a minimal code. God's law is a higher standard. (How would we live if it were reversed?)

By opposing homosexual marriage, do we change anyone's mind by refusing them civil unions under state law? Do we draw them closer to Christ? Do we hear them saying, "Oh, you won't let me marry, well then, I guess I'll follow Christ."

No. But it doesn't mean that I think we should all be cheerleaders either. I know from first-hand experience that sometimes people have to walk their own painful road and find the dead end before looking for a way that leads to life.

What about the issue of health care and family members? If two or more college-age roomates could save money by buying a policy together why isn't it allowed? Why are kids booted off a policy when they turn 18 and take a year off school to work? These are not policies that affect only homosexuals but all of us. The family that has an aunt living with them cannot put her on their policy any more than a homosexual couple living together without a civil union.

Instead of looking at these issues, an issues homosexual couples get around by marrying, we look at thteir method and criticize--and ostercize them farther from us, from love and from Christ. This is counter-productive.

Let him without sin cast the first stone.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have an opinion to post one way or the other on this one, but I like the different perspective you bring to the whole homosexual couple/civil union vs. Christianity issue. Your point of view is definitely worthy of further consideration and discussion.
