Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More about legacy.

The people of Israel in Judges 2 had been given an anonymous gift. They had been delivered from Egyptian slavery and brought into a land where essentially “they came, they saw, and they conquered.”

However, these stories hadn’t been explained to them. Their parents, who witnessed all these things, died without passing on the who or the why of the event.

As a result, enemies living in the country oppressed the Israelites. An angel of the Lord came and told them that people living in their country would always oppress them. God would use these oppressors to test what was in the Israelites hearts.

Even today, the Israelites have neighbors on all sides and in their midst that hate them. God is still using these people today to test what is in their hearts.

Now I’m not saying that every difficult circumstance is God’s testing to show what is in your heart, but you may find (while reading Judges) that every time the Israelites cried out to God for deliverance, He answered.

I think the most important lesson we can glean from this is the importance of passing on the message of God’s love, mercy and deliverance. Grateful kids are kids who will continue the legacy of obedience to God and living in His blessings and grace.

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